The Power of Intentional Projection


We all have people in our lives we admire, we look up to, who have a quality we feel we do not have. This can create a distance to that person and a feeling of dread, believing that we will never be able to achieve that, have that or be like that person. 

What if I told you that the mere fact that you can recognize someone’s admired quality, e.g. courage, greatness, beauty, love, compassion, or strength, means that you yourself have that inside of you.

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The Jealousy Bypass

Envy and jealousy can be big motivators in our lives. We feel them instantly when we look at certain people’s successes and ways of being. 

Empowerment is when we can receive the feeling and transform it into something beneficial to us. We can understand that with this feeling, we can see the limitation we place upon ourselves. 

Namely, our belief that we cannot have what the other has. 

We believe that they can do something we never could. We believe that they can be a certain way we could never be. We see ourselves as ‘less than’ and ‘not capable of’. 

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